Take the Pledge
Goals + Growth + Gathering = The Flourishing Formula
Beautiful Goals
The world needs hope for the future and something positive to spend energy on. We need a mountain to climb, a purpose that is bigger than us. As jobs have lost sense of meaning, so have people. It is time to remember that we were born to set goals of who we want to become and what we want to create that will add the most beauty and value to the world. True economic and societal progress starts here.
Who do you want to become?
What do you want to create?
Good Growth
If we stop learning, our progress towards our goals stalls. It is vital to draw upon the skills and insights of our neighbors to support us on our journey towards creating a more beautiful and valuable future. Moreover, loneliness and depression affect many people, so let's forge friendships in service of a better tomorrow. Together, we can thrive and achieve greater heights and unleash our potential.
Teach skills
Learn skills
Great Gatherings
In a culture that emphasizes consumption, social gatherings designed around creating builds positive social, civic, and economic infrastructure. We need events that inspire personal growth and celebrate progress. By acknowledging accomplishments and holding each other accountable, we foster a supportive community that encourages and motivates each other. As we applaud and push one another, we empower everyone to pursue their dreams and achieve greatness.
Celebrate wins
Learn from struggle